Friday, February 22, 2013

Still the same stinging sarcasm and loud opinions--but without the stupid name

Well it was time. needed to die. If you go to the site, it's still there...until I decide what to do with it. But, I will no longer be posting to "thisismyelbow" (gag).

I think part of the reason I didn't post as often was because of the stupid name I gave it in the hopes of being unique. If there is one thing I know about myself is I am unique enough all on my own. And tumblr sucks for blogging. So I moved back to Blogger. At first, I tried to get "justdesiree" as the blogger domain. But it was taken. And then I tried Slap me shocked, it was available! You didn't stop over here to read about how I promise to write more on this new shiny blog page of mine. You want content...good content.

Let's get this party started with a complaint about Pinterest! (Yes, I got rid of the stupid blog name, but not the opinions!) My complaint isn't abut Pinterest the company. My complaint is about pinners. I know, my complaints are futile. "Pinterest is a runaway hit!" you say. "How could you say anything bad about Pinterest when you are always pinning stuff, Desiree?" you say. Stay with me.

Exhibit 1: Isn't this one of the prettiest pins you've ever seen? Don't be fooled!
I saw this pin today and repinned it. You can see it on my Deliciousness board. I try to check 98% of the pins I pin to see their source. This was no exception. Like many, I troll Pinterest in search of inspiration, especially in the kitchen. Who doesn't want 24 Awesome Muffin Tin Recipes? My muffin tin is dying for a good workout! I went to see all the great recipes that I would now have stored on my handy-dandy food board and this is where it took me (it's not questionable--go ahead and click it).


Where's my neat list of 24 muffin recipes? Are you telling me I have to click through this website to get to the original website? Ok. FINE. I'll do that. I'll just go and click my "pin it" button and surely, the title photo of the pin will appear so that I can pin directly to this webpage....WHERE'S THE "24 AWESOME MUFFIN TIN RECIPES" photo? I have to choose one of the 24 muffin recipe photos? But won't that just link to one of the recipes? Ugh! So confused. Pinterest shouldn't be confusing. It's just links people!

Do you think I'm getting a little too worked up? Perhaps. But what is the point of pinning a great picture, linked to a site with great content, if I have to click through a 3rd party? That just irritates me and doesn't make me want to follow the original author. I'm sure the original author is a lovely person, talented and all that but using a service like "Daily Pins" that doesn't properly link to original content, nor providing a better source to this pin are just a couple ways people are going to ruin the beauty of Pinterest.

Like the tagline on my Pinterest profile says, "Just like the moments in life, it's not about the quantity of pins, but the quality. Make each count."

And for goodness sake, pin responsibly.